
Help & Assistance


Farm Household Allowance resources
FHA helps farming families in financial hardship. Offering support to improve their long term financial situation. Details here.

Rural Financial Counselling
The Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) has been supporting farmers and rural-related businesses for more than 30 years. Their services are free, independent and confidential for eligible clients. For more information visit their website: ruralbusinesssupport.org.au

Family and Business Mentors
The PIRSA initiated Family and Business (FaB) mentor service can help you during difficult situations as a primary producer or regionally-based agricultural business owner.

It is a free, confidential triage service in South Australia, connecting you to assistance specific to your needs. The McLaren Vale appointed mentors are:

  • Albert Singh 0400 443 108
  • Colleen White 0409 388 649

Assistance Guide for grape growers and winemakers

The updated South Australian assistance guide for grape growers and winemakers covers services and avenues for assistance to support primary producers during the challenging market conditions impacting the SA wine sector.

This April 2024 updated version incorporates the latest information about the:

  • Rural Business Support Relief Fund of $1,500 to eligible growers (page 3)
  • $1.85 million dollar China Re-Engagement Support Package (page 5)
  • Extension to the Ethephon trial through to next vintage (page 6).

The latest guide is available on the PIRSA website.


Healthy Minds Healthy Vines Podcast
The Wine Grape Council of South Australia have produced a series of well-being podcasts specifically for growers. Speaking directly with growers, and others within the wider wine industry support network, this series aims to breakdown the barriers of challenges faced within the industry and offer practical tools and advice.

View the Healthy Minds Healthy Vines Podcast Series at www.wgcsa.com.au.

Mental Health Services
There are a range of professional mental health services available to help you start the conversation or help you support others struggling with their mental health.

A free online tool kit to help farmers cope effectively with life’s challenges and get the most out of every day.

A conversation can change a life.

Call 24/7 for crisis support and suicide prevention services.
13 11 14

Beyond Blue
Call 24/7 for advice, referral and support from a trained mental health professional.
1300 22 4636

Suicide Call Back Service
24/7 free counselling and support for people at risk of suicide, carers and bereaved.
1300 659 467

13 Yarn
24/7 national crisis support line for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
13 92 76

MensLine Australia
24/7 telephone and online support for men with emotional health and relationship concerns.
1300 78 99 78

Kids Helpline
24/7 private and confidential phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
1800 55 1800

24/7 counselling, information and referrals for sexual assault, domestic and family violence.
1800 737 732


Grape Payments
Payment for grapes in South Australia is controlled by an Act. All payments are required to be completed by 30 September each year. It is illegal for a winery to accept wine grapes while still owing money for grapes supplied in previous years. View the legislation: Wine Grapes Industry Act.

Legal Services Commission
Free legal advice is available to all South Asutralian's through the Legal Services Commission South Australia.
For advice call the Legal Services Commission on 1300 366 424, Open weekdays 9am–4.30pm.